There is ‘stuff’ in our lives that can hold us back. I believe most of it is what we experienced or thought we experienced in our family life. I attended the Family Constellations Workshop with an open mind and gained a wonderful perspective on how this unique and safe way of dealing with issues can so quickly move one into a space of forgiveness and respect. I can see this becoming the forefront of therapy. The dedication and commitment of Diane will assure you of complete care and revelation. The benefits are worth the investment ten times over.
Maree Terita
Sydney NSW
Thank you Diane for another AMAZING Constellation Workshop. There are no mistakes and the experiences were divinely synchronistic, revealing, loving and healing. This soul level of work needs to be experienced to be understood and appreciated!!
Gold Coast QLD
Family Constellations are powerful. I can recommend Diane as an exceptional, intuitive facilitator. Do her course!
Scott Lutwyche
Brisbane QLD
… I was amazed on many different levels as the process began. I was so surprised at the unconditional support and care that the group members offered to me during the Constellation. I had never experienced unconditional love like that from strangers. They held the energy for the healing of myself and my family and family line. They never swerved from what needed to be said or expressed. I am in awe of their generosity and pureness of spirit in giving and healing for people they have never met and folk that have long since passed and the generations yet to come…
Gold Coast, QLD
If you’ve heard of or are interested in Family Constellations I cannot recommend highly enough this Workshop with Diane Viola. I trained with Diane in Constellation work and she is an incredibly compassionate and skilled facilitator. Diane is truly doing amazing, transformative, healing work through this modality. Family Constellation work allows healing of almost any relationship wounding and dynamic. It is profound work! After workshops with Diane, I feel softer, a deeper connection with self and definitely a deeper connection to humanity.
Monique Rutherford
Byron Shire NSW
Diane Viola is a gifted facilitator, if you are looking for dynamic change in a safe and nurturing environment, I highly recommend you consider exploring her workshop.
Michelle Fellows
Gold Coast QLD
I have never experienced anything like this before and came into it with no expectations beyond being of service and assisting with the highest good of the participants.
It is very difficult to find the words to express what happened. … I followed Diane’s simple instructions even though I really didn’t understand how what she asked was possible. It was possible and almost immediate. Throughout the day, we felt, saw and heard, anger pain and confusion change to peace, understanding and love. The shifts in energy were almost palpable. Powerful. Real. To get results like that, if at all, would take such a long time of traditional counselling. This happened for each client in about an hour!
I still don’t understand how it happened but I thank God for Diane and these techniques. For anyone with family issues – that’s got to be most of us! – get yourself to a Workshop or Session!
Gold Coast QLD
I found Diane to be an excellent facilitator who provided a safe space for the Family Constellations Workshop. It was a beneficial experience for me. I think of it as ‘soul’ work and would recommend participation without hesitation. An amazing way to look at family dynamics and blocks from past experiences known or unknown.
Brisbane QLD
Thank you, Diane – the Family Constellations Workshop was a profound healing experience. The process is amazing, and when we accept Universal Soul, completely understandable. You are indeed an exceptional facilitator. I recommend your work to anyone who has a family – past, present or future!
Gold Coast QLD