You Are The Gift
Be willing to share yourself in a way that supports others & lets them know that we are all in this thing called life together and there is always help at hand.
Done with respect for oneself and others, playfulness can bring lightness to the most difficult circumstances. And work without play is only half as rewarding.
Facing Loss
Facing loss can be both painful and liberating. The grief and mourning which accompany loss allow us to honour the people and events that have shaped our lives.
It’s easy to have faith when all is going well. The real test of faith and character is when things are tough. That’s when keeping the faith really pays off.
Mirror Thoughts
Every negative, fearful thought we’ve had about ourselves is merely our shadow self revealing itself to be seen & challenged. Fortunately, the shadow is not us!
Ready – Set – Receive
When we trust life we create space for what we want. It’s like opening our arms making room for our desire to show up, without having to orchestrate the show.