A New Order of Things
At this time so many of our systems and institutions including those that impact our relationships are in a state of chaos and sorely in need of transformation!
A Call to Oneness
Mother Theresa’s work was so powerful for she knew the secret was connection! She taught people to reach out to the lonely and homeless rather than fear them.
Time to Unhide Your Light
We honour those who’ve touched our lives by making the most of our own, allowing our own light to shine, and by seeing the light in others even when they can’t!
Taking Care of Yourself after a Family Constellations Workshop
Participating in a Family Constellations Workshop is a unique experience difficult to pre-empt the impact on yourself or the contribution you’ve made to others.
Love is NOT a Dirty Word
Don’t compare your relationship with anyone else’s, for you were divinely chosen for one another to be the mirror through which you can see yourself with love.
Living On Purpose
We are each born with a gift/s and it’s our responsibility to nurture it to contribute to the world. It’s about waking up every day choosing to be on purpose!