Community - The Big Picture
When I refer to ‘Community – The Big Picture‘, I mean both that which brings a degree of perspective to our personal lives, as well as considering our place in the world at large and the contribution we can each make.
While Family is the first unit of belonging, each of us seeks connection in the broader sense through the communities with which we associate. In good times and in bad, it is both the shared concern and the celebration of their joint achievements that builds and strengthens community spirit at an individual and collective level.
Whether it was the tribe or the village, at one time, we all belonged to a group of people with whom life and all its ups and downs was shared. Now, as much as at any time in our history, we need once again to build solid and engaged communities where all members of the group are seen and cared for and from which we can contribute to a better world.
I believe that if we are here at this time, then we have a particular destiny, individually and collectively, to become enlightened… to lighten up and lighten the load so that we can pass on to the present and future generations an environment that is not only physically healthy but emotionally healthy too. I look forward to being a part of facilitating that process.
Take Action
Among the many organisations working toward positive change, here are a couple…
Avaaz – www.avaaz.org
A 70-million person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people shape global decision-making. ‘Avaaz’ means ‘voice’ or ‘song’ in many languages.
Get Up! Action for Australia – www.getup.org.au
An independent movement of more than one million people working to build a progressive Australia and put people back into politics.

Responding to Trauma and Loss

The Difference is YOU!
Articles for 'Community - The Big Picture'

Our Deepest Desire
Inside each of us, our deepest desire is to know ourselves as love, to be at one with ourselves and others. Ultimately, peace is made by joining in the heart.

Taking Right Action
If we want to feel good about ourselves, we must do good toward others. Right action allows us to look back over our lives at peace with the choices we’ve made.

Life’s Riches
The challenge & privilege of being there for young people is to listen to and be a stand for who we really are and make the space for our facades to drop away.

Letting Judgement Go
Tantalizing as the ‘Blame Game’ may be, a willingness to let go of judgement is the starting point in drawing us closer to the people who matter in our lives.

The Spirit of Christmas
Where have all the Santas gone? Before the advent of Shopping Malls, Santas would roam up & down the main street ringing their bells spreading Christmas cheer.

It’s easy to have faith when all is going well. The real test of faith and character is when things are tough. That’s when keeping the faith really pays off.