Community - The Big Picture
When I refer to ‘Community – The Big Picture‘, I mean both that which brings a degree of perspective to our personal lives, as well as considering our place in the world at large and the contribution we can each make.
While Family is the first unit of belonging, each of us seeks connection in the broader sense through the communities with which we associate. In good times and in bad, it is both the shared concern and the celebration of their joint achievements that builds and strengthens community spirit at an individual and collective level.
Whether it was the tribe or the village, at one time, we all belonged to a group of people with whom life and all its ups and downs was shared. Now, as much as at any time in our history, we need once again to build solid and engaged communities where all members of the group are seen and cared for and from which we can contribute to a better world.
I believe that if we are here at this time, then we have a particular destiny, individually and collectively, to become enlightened… to lighten up and lighten the load so that we can pass on to the present and future generations an environment that is not only physically healthy but emotionally healthy too. I look forward to being a part of facilitating that process.
Take Action
Among the many organisations working toward positive change, here are a couple…
Avaaz – www.avaaz.org
A 70-million person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people shape global decision-making. ‘Avaaz’ means ‘voice’ or ‘song’ in many languages.
Get Up! Action for Australia – www.getup.org.au
An independent movement of more than one million people working to build a progressive Australia and put people back into politics.

Responding to Trauma and Loss

The Difference is YOU!
Articles for 'Community - The Big Picture'

Lighten Your Heart
Do first each day that which lightens your heart that you may move through your day free of the burden wrought by errors of thought or perception.

Words of Comfort
As you look at the bigger picture, you see the places where we meet, free of the masks of pretence. When the differences dissolve you see but one beating heart.

Words Escape Me
Words come to me in the dead of night and slip past my fingers before I can capture them. And now in the witching hour the world is still and inspiration flows.

Honouring the Fallen – Going Beyond Remembrance
In Family Constellations we bring healing to the tragedies of war, to right wrongs, bear witness to the truth, see what was unseen & speak what was left unsaid.

Envisioning A New Australia (World)
It’s bright and early on Australia Day, and while it means different things to different folk, I wonder who we want to be as a nation and people moving forward?

Receiving Help – A Shared Responsibility
Responding to the challenges we face means asking for help until our needs are met. We must join together to dissolve the isolation & alienation people feel.