In this short video, drawing on the principles of Systemic Constellations, I take you through a closed-eyes process to empower you to connect with your inherent gifts, overcome the blocks to their full expression in the world and receive the loving support you need to fulfil your Soul Purpose.
Before you begin, you will gain the most benefit by taking the time to set an intention for yourself in listening to this and giving thought to the following questions. Write or record your answers for future reference, particularly if you intend to repeat this exercise or are in the process of change.
1. What are your gifts – the skills, talents and abilities that come naturally to you and that you love to do? Sometimes, these will be what others have always said you are good at or should do.
2. How would you like to develop those gifts to contribute to others in a way that gives you joy and the experience of success? Really let yourself think big here. You only need to take one step at a time!
3. What is currently your biggest stumbling block to achieving that or taking the next step? This might be an area in which you habitually hold back in life or something that you need help with but haven’t yet found a way to get.
Find yourself a quiet, private place and return as often as you wish to take in the assistance available for you. Do not listen to this while you are driving!
You may like to follow this up with my article ‘Living on Purpose’ &/or the video ‘Taking the Next Step’.
Enjoy and feel free to contact me if you would like further assistance with Business Constellations or Emotional Mind Integration to remove the blocks to your success.
Thanks for sharing!