Relationship & Family Life
Relationship is the state of being connected. And it is the quality of that connection – our relationship with ourselves, others, and our environment – which determines our happiness and our experience of success in life.
Positive Relating begins with seeing everything AS IT IS… and being willing to meet life on its own terms!
Family is the fundamental unit of society and the first group to which we belong. At the heart of family is the relationship between the parents &/or partners. The success or otherwise we experience in our Relationship & Family Life is to some degree dependent on what was modelled for us by our parents and other significant adults.
Few people form a partnership or become parents expecting it not to last, though many wait until it’s too late before seeking help!
If you’ve come to the end of the road it may be the time for Separation & Divorce Coaching to ensure that the least harm is done to you and your family.
Positive relationships with others flow naturally when you have a positive relationship with yourself and take measures to learn new ways of relating. Just because you’ve done everything you know how to do, doesn’t mean there isn’t something else you could learn to do! That’s where Relationship & Family Counselling & Coaching come in!
Working with individuals, couples, families and young people allows me to assist the whole family,
facilitating positive relationships toward peace and harmony in family life.
Relationship & Family Counselling & Coaching
Does one of these describe you? Things are pretty good. We just want to make sure we keep growing together. We could use some help with parenting. We’re on shaky ground. I’m worried about my son or daughter…
Nurturing Relationship & Family Life with Family Constellations
Separation & Divorce Coaching
A ‘Spiritual Divorce’ | Family Constellations
Articles for 'Relationship & Family Life'
Protecting our Young – Nurturing Innocence
For decades our young people have shown us that their world, driven by ‘Cradle To The Grave’ fear-based consumerism, is not meeting their most basic needs.
Reaching Out With Compassion
Our job is to be the raft that leads to the far shore, to remind each other that we’ll get through this together, and to refuse to let our spirits be broken.
Just BE Yourself
To be true to ourselves means taking time out to hear & feel what’s going on inside and find the place within where the indisputable core of ourselves resides.
Mothers Are People Too!
No matter how you feel about your mother, there is one undeniable fact … she carried you and she gave you life. There can be no greater gift than that!
Taking Right Action
If we want to feel good about ourselves, we must do good toward others. Right action allows us to look back over our lives at peace with the choices we’ve made.
Life’s Riches
The challenge & privilege of being there for young people is to listen to and be a stand for who we really are and make the space for our facades to drop away.