Creating A Shared Future
As we face the task of rebuilding let us remember that we are here now for a purpose & to make each day & each encounter with those whose paths we cross, count.
Our Deepest Desire
Inside each of us, our deepest desire is to know ourselves as love, to be at one with ourselves and others. Ultimately, peace is made by joining in the heart.
Just BE Yourself
To be true to ourselves means taking time out to hear & feel what’s going on inside and find the place within where the indisputable core of ourselves resides.
Mothers Are People Too!
No matter how you feel about your mother, there is one undeniable fact … she carried you and she gave you life. There can be no greater gift than that!
Taking Right Action
If we want to feel good about ourselves, we must do good toward others. Right action allows us to look back over our lives at peace with the choices we’ve made.
Life’s Riches
The challenge & privilege of being there for young people is to listen to and be a stand for who we really are and make the space for our facades to drop away.