Personal Growth & Healing
Personal Growth & Healing is a life-long journey! Wherever you are on your path, there is always an opportunity for growth; always a way to respond to what has already happened, prevent further suffering to yourself or others in the future and become more of who you really are.
Relating to yourself with love and awareness in the present is the key to Personal Growth. Find out how your thoughts, feelings and actions create your reality and how to build your emotional and spiritual intelligence.

Counselling & Coaching
Through Counselling and Coaching I assist clients to develop strategies and skills to effectively transform their immediate situation as well as responding to the issues at the heart of the matter for ongoing positive change and a more…

Melting Frozen Emotion with Family Constellations
Articles for 'Personal Growth & Healing'

The Menu is Not the Meal – What Healing Needs
Before we can set out on that proverbial climb up the mountain, we need to gather our resources and create the space to withstand what we fear we’ll meet on the path.

Lighten Your Heart
Do first each day that which lightens your heart that you may move through your day free of the burden wrought by errors of thought or perception.

Words of Comfort
As you look at the bigger picture, you see the places where we meet, free of the masks of pretence. When the differences dissolve you see but one beating heart.

What’s Your Help-Seeking Strategy?
What’s your help-seeking strategy? What do you do when you’re in pain? Do you tough it out, keep it to yourself, ignore it, or pay attention and ask for help?

Honouring What’s at Stake
Consider who or what is most important to you and ask yourself “What’s at stake here?” Then do what’s required to fulfil that commitment.

Take a Walk Inside ‘Travels with Buster’
For a glimpse of what’s inside ‘Travels with Buster – A Journey of Unconditional Love’ here’s an excerpt from Chapter 11 and the Contents list. Enjoy!