Separation & Divorce
Most people going through Separation & Divorce would prefer to walk away with their dignity intact and an appreciation of the purpose of their time together. While the support of family and friends is crucial, it can be difficult for them to remain objective as they come to terms with their own feelings and the changing dynamics in their relationship circle. This is where Divorce Coaching can help!
“To work with people at such a critical moment in their lives is a profound privilege. Few of us are prepared for the feelings which accompany the loss of a partner &/or the family unit, or the potential of the grieving process to derail even the best-laid plans.
To see people transform what has the potential to be such a harmful experience, even in the midst of their own pain, into one of growth, inspires the utmost respect and admiration. No matter how small the steps, whenever an individual or couple embrace the truth and take action with love and respect for themselves toward a conscious parting, they pave the way for healing for everyone involved and demonstrate a courage that is worthy of note.”Diane
Listen to the Podcast below to hear Diane talking with Lyn Lucas about ‘Coping with Divorce’
A ‘Spiritual Divorce’ | Family Constellations
Articles for 'Separation & Divorce'
Honouring the Fallen – Going Beyond Remembrance
In Family Constellations we bring healing to the tragedies of war, to right wrongs, bear witness to the truth, see what was unseen & speak what was left unsaid.
Love’s Way Home – A New Possibility for Authentic Relating
The unconscious patterns that affect our individual lives can impact all our Relationships. We need to uncover them to create a new context for relationship.
Responding to Pregnancy & Infant Loss with Family Constellations
I assist couples to recover from the loss of a child to fulfil their dreams for a family or repair a relationship damaged by the loneliness of unshared grief.
Take a Walk Inside ‘Travels with Buster’
For a glimpse of what’s inside ‘Travels with Buster – A Journey of Unconditional Love’ here’s an excerpt from Chapter 11 and the Contents list. Enjoy!
Building Success with Business Constellations
Want success? The principles and philosophy behind Business Constellations make it possible to resolve issues that may have defied change through other means.
Christmas Post Separation
While the effects of divorce can be felt for a long time, with the children’s well-being top of mind, and the right tools, a Merry Christmas IS possible!