Personal Growth & Healing

Personal Growth & Healing is a life-long journey! Wherever you are on your path, there is always an opportunity for growth; always a way to respond to what has already happened, prevent further suffering to yourself or others in the future and become more of who you really are.

Relating to yourself with love and awareness in the present is the key to Personal Growth. Find out how your thoughts, feelings and actions create your reality and how to build your emotional and spiritual intelligence. 

Counselling & Coaching

Through Counselling and Coaching I assist clients to develop strategies and skills to effectively transform their immediate situation as well as responding to the issues at the heart of the matter for ongoing positive change and a more…

Melting Frozen Emotion with Family Constellations

While capturing a moment in time in a photo can be precious, some things are best given free rein! Although many people are confronted by or feel uncomfortable connecting with their feelings, in life, it is generally not the felt…

Articles for 'Personal Growth & Healing'

Inside each of us, our deepest desire is to know ourselves as love, to be at one with ourselves and others. Ultimately, peace is made by joining in the heart.
To be true to ourselves means taking time out to hear & feel what’s going on inside and find the place within where the indisputable core of ourselves resides.
No matter how you feel about your mother, there is one undeniable fact … she carried you and she gave you life. There can be no greater gift than that!
To talk about dads is risky because they don’t always fit the idealised images portrayed by Greeting Cards. Yet this is often a topic that troubles my clients.
Whenever we are looking for love outside ourselves without having already tapped into the well within, we could be looking for trouble.
Doing what it takes to teach children discipline which equips them to become self-disciplined is both the most loving and difficult job a parent will undertake.

Go the Distance

We are each here contributing to the bigger picture of the life unfolding around us. Frequently the impact is unknown. This is why we must go the distance.

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Empowering Boundaries

Whether we call them limits, guidelines, or discipline, boundaries are essential for a happy and healthy life, put in place for our protection and well-being.

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Seeking Wholeness

Wholeness comes not from getting everything you want but from being at peace with what is. This includes being willing to carry your fate & fulfil your destiny.

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Give YourSelf Time

Whether we experience it as excitement or anxiety, the faster the pace in our outer world, the greater the need to slow down and connect with, our inner world.

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Media for 'Personal Growth & Healing'

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